Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How ATVs Work Essay -- essays research papers

Thesis statement All terrain vehicles are helpful and reusable and I willexplain how they work and how to fix them in this paper.Outline Inn this paper I will discuss ATVs and general intimacy andgetting them wet. I also will discuss their origin and how they need care andhow to keep them doing good for a long time. What is an ATV? It is an All Terrain Vehicle, also called triplet orfour wheelers. It is also called a quad or ATV. An ATV is built to gowhere other vehicles cannot go. ATVs are also built to handle a lot ofstress and abuse. ATVs are virtually indestructible however, they have afew weaknesses and it is important to know and understand those fewweaknesses. You should always do a complete check of your ATV beforeequitation . Second, ATVs also provide power and speed. There are alsoamphibian ATVs that botch and go like a boat. ATVs were first workvehicles for telephone and electrical linemen and other types of people.They used the ATVs to get from one pole to other tha t went overdifficult terrain where 4x4 trucks could not go.(Estrem ATVs 10)Second, you do not need a special permit or disgustrs license to drivea ATV although special training is recommend by several manufacturersand some even give seminars and free classes. I believe that somecompanys give cash back to people who take classes. I ,myself, have nottaken any of these classes. There are no age limits or restrictions becausethese are not operated on public streets, roads or highways. ATVs areOff-road machines. There is also safety gear to protect you from harm.These accessories include helmets, gloves, boots, dressing table protectors and soon. (Estrem ATVs 10-11)Third, ATVs need some type of power plant to propel them. The types ofpower plants that are most common are the cardinal stroke railway locomotive and the fourstroke engine (A stroke is one movement of the piston Microsoft Encarta96 Internal Combustion Engine). The general principle of the two-strokeengine is to shorten the periods in which fuel is put into the combustionchamber and in which the spent gases are exhausted to a small fraction ofthe duration of a stroke instead of allowing each of these operations tooccupy a full stroke. In the simplest type of two-stroke engine, the poppetvalves are replaced by sleeve valves or ports (openings in t... ...fiedBuggy class. At home on sand, dirt, or the surface of Mars, thesecompetition-designed vehicles spend as much time on their roll bars as theydo on their tires. The series will feature another buggy class called theStadium Lites. The Lites are an ultra-quick, lightweight version of theSupers and are based on Hondas Odessey/ operate line of full roll cage ATVs.Finally, the Stadium Thunder Bikes will wow the crowd with high-flyingaction. These big, bad, four-stroke bikes are the same machines used fromBaja to Supercross. (Internet VIA America Online Internet Provider)In Conclusion ATVs are fun yet dangerous. ATVs require a lot ofcare and maintenance bu t they will give you a good feeling in life thatcannot be matched. I have discussed Water damage and how to prevent it,good riding spots and how to care for the major parts of your ATV. I havealso told about the the renewed interest of ATV stadium riding and racing. Ihave not tried this but it whitethorn be fun. Please though observe all rules andsafety protocols to prevent injury or death. If you respect the laws and usecommon sense and care ATV riding and racing can be an enjoyableexperience.

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