Thursday, April 25, 2019


PERSONAL PERSPCETIVE( REFLECT ) OF MANAGING CHANGE - Essay Example mental home Change occurs from time to time and switch over is the nature of things. Nothing in this world is constant or un salmagundiable. Would we like our own house for instance, if for years we had the equivalent furniture, the same upholstery, the same colors? We like to mother things different and we also know that any mixture around the house makes us feel better. The hear wants change but when the mind is not prepared for the change, it resists change. However, if we are informed of the change in expel we become mentally prepared for it and then we are not disturbed. This implies that change causes resistance when change is not accompanied or preceded by effective communication. Change is also a part of the manner make pass of any convergence. When we speak of different stages in the life cycle of an organization or a production or service, change is implied. Abrahamson (2004) believes that without pain no change is possible and justifies that either one must change or perish. Why, then is change in the corporate world a topic for discussions, for theory constitution and framework building? Focusing on the personal perception of change management this paper analyzes the factors that catch change as has been seen during the semester projects. The change management process studied during the semester will be reviewed along with the skills indispensable for change. Change can occur in an organization for varied reasons ranging from change in the stage of the life cycle, to change during mergers and acquisitions, during downsizing, restructuring and during expansion and growth (Stanleigh, 2008). Change, in fact, is essential for progress as the human mind always seeks something new, something different, something exciting. However, I never puddled that change could require so much planning to be effective. Having washed-out hours on the topic and having read about how change s have been implemented within different organizations, I realize that change has to be effectively managed. When I compare it with an individuals life, I find change in our life has to be equally well managed. Change cannot be a hap casualty process. This paper will reflect on the change management process adopted by orchard apple tree and McDonalds and what planning went behind the change. Critical Review We were first analyzed the organizational change undertaken by Apple. The drivers of change at Apple were competition, finances and open unidentified markets. These were arrived at through SWOT analysis and v Forces Model which helped to understand the initiative for change undertaken by Apple. However, it appears that Apples focus was on enhancing lucre as the employees as well as the customers were confused with so many models available at the same time in the market. They did not have a customer-centric approach which is essential for any new product launch. They did not tr y to understand customer needs and communication was lacking at Apple. Communication and development must precede change. This sounds so simple to implement but what I have learnt through reading material and find it extremely interesting, is that communication is not a simple term that encompasses the quality or the expertness to talk. It does not merely mean to inform or speak it also means to listen. Having the strength and courageousness to listen to subordinates in an organization enhances communications (Pfeffer & Sutton, 1999). Thus, listening is also a part of communication. The

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